Meeting Minutes Archive

City of Windsor, Missouri | City Council Meeting Minutes

City of Windsor: Regular Board of Alderman Meeting Minutes (6-18-2024)

Regular Board Meeting June 18, 2024 The City of Windsor Board of Aldermen held its regular meeting on Tuesday, June…

Regular Board Meeting June 18, 2024 The City of Windsor Board of Aldermen held its regular meeting on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall meeting room at 125 S. Main. Mayor Rollins called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm with the following Aldermen present: John Morley, Danny Hampton, Steve Clubine, Mike Parris, and Grace Danner. Absent - Hanna Goosen. Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to approve the minutes, all in favor, motion carried. Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to approve the warrants, all in favor, motion carried. Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to approve the Collector's Report, all in favor, motion carried. Public Works Report – Public Works Director, Lance Tucker – We have several contractors working in town which has kept us very busy with One Calls. We alerted Brightspeed on Friday, June 14th about the large tree that fell on E. Florence across their fiber lines. The tree is blocking the road but because it is entangled in Brightspeed lines we have not been able to clear it. Brightspeed said it could be up to 10 days before they are able to respond. Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to accept the Public Works report as presented by Lance Tucker, all in favor, motion carried. Administrator’s Report – City Administrator, Lisa Lawless – The front air conditioner stopped working late last Friday afternoon. We contacted several HVAC businesses to request emergency bids for this evening’s meeting. We only received 1 bid from AA Mechanical Contractors to replace the 5-ton HVAC Unit. The Lead Service Line Inventory agreement is on the agenda for pre-approval to execute with the stipulation that DNR must first approve the contract as is with no amendments. The reason pre-approval is necessary is due to DNR’s slow process of approval and a quickly approaching project deadline. Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to approve the bid submitted by AA Mechanical Contractors for $8,250 to replace the 5-ton HVAC Unit, all in favor, motion carried. Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to accept the City Administrator’s Report, all in favor, motion carried. Sheriff’s Report – Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to accept the Sheriff’s Report as presented by Sergeant Baker, all in-favor, motion carried. Old Business: Woodchipper: The Board reviewed the quotes for woodchippers and approved the purchase of the 2023 VM BC1800XL Woodchipper with ARPA funds. Alderman Danner made a motion, seconded, to purchase the 2023 VM BC1800XL Woodchipper from Vermeer Great Plains in the amount of $79,600.91 pending commitment to Source Well agreement, all in favor, motion carried. City Trucks: Discussion on additional city trucks, Animal Control truck was purchased for $37,004 should be available to pick up within the week. Discuss quotes received for a 1-ton tuck. Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to approve the purchase of a Ford F-350 from Rick Ball Ford, in the amount of $51,945.00, all in favor, motion carried. New Business: Wastewater Improvements Part A Do-Rite Pay App # 2 Alderman Parris, made a motion, seconded, to approve payment of Wastewater Improvements Part A Do-Rite Pay App # 2 in the amount of $499,762.22, all in favor, motion carried. Liquor License Renewals for 2024. This year’s liquor license renewals were presented for board approval. Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to approve all liquor license renewals, as presented, all in favor, motion carried. Lead Service Line Inventory Agreement – All Clear Pumping and Sewer. Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to approve the Lead Service Line Inventory Agreement, as submitted, pending DNR approval, all in favor, motion carried. Bill 24-07 – Procedure to Disclose Potential Conflicts of Interest and Substantial Interest for Certain Municipal Officials. Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to read by title only, Bill 24-07 (Procedure to Disclose Potential Conflicts of Interest and Substantial Interest for Certain Municipal Officials) all in favor, motion carried. Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to accept the first reading of Bill 24-07 (Procedure to Disclose Potential Conflicts of Interest and Substantial Interest for Certain Municipal Officials) all in favor, motion carried. Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to read by title only a second time, Bill 24-07 (Procedure to Disclose Potential Conflicts of Interest and Substantial Interest for Certain Municipal Officials) all in favor, motion carried. Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to accept the second reading of Bill 24-07 (Procedure to Disclose Potential Conflicts of Interest and Substantial Interest for Certain Municipal Officials) all in favor, motion carried, Ordinance No. 2024-07 passed. Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to adjourn, all in favor, motion carried. Meeting Adjourned 8:03 p.m. Mayor Rollins re-opens the meeting at 8:10 p.m., with the following Aldermen present: John Morley, Danny Hampton, Steve Clubine, Mike Parris, and Grace Danner. Absent - Hanna Goosen. Discuss the engineer design bid submitted by MECO for a Sidewalk Project for a portion of East Benton Street and Jackson Street, using Transportation Tax funds. Alderman Danner made a motion, seconded, to approve the design bid submitted by MECO Engineering, in the amount of $48,628, to complete sidewalks on a portion of East Benton Street and Jackson Street, using Transportation Tax funds, all in favor, motion carried. Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to adjourn, all in favor, motion carried. Meeting Adjourned 8:15 p.m. __________________________________ __________________________________ Ricky Rollins, Mayor Lisa Lawless, City Clerk _____________________ Approved

City of Windsor: Regular Board of Alderman Meeting Agenda (6-18-2024)

NOTICE OF OPEN MEETING and VOTE TO CLOSE PART OF MEETING Notice is hereby given that the City of Windsor…

NOTICE OF OPEN MEETING and VOTE TO CLOSE PART OF MEETING Notice is hereby given that the City of Windsor Board of Aldermen will conduct a meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, in City Hall located at 125 S Main. The meeting room is located at the back of the building. The tentative agenda of this meeting includes: Approval of Minutes Presentation of Warrants for payment Reports 1. Collector’s Report 2. Public Works Director’s Report 3. City Admin Report 4. City Attorney’s Report 5. Fire Chief’s Report: 6. Sheriff’s Department Report 7. Committee Reports: 8. Planning and Zoning Commission: 9. Code Enforcement 10. Windsor Area Chamber of Commerce: 11. Septemberfest Committee: Agenda Requests: Old Business: 1. Woodchipper Quotes 2. Truck Quotes New Business: 1. Wastewater Improvements Part A Do-Rite Pay App # 2 2. Liquor Licenses-Renewal 3. Lead Service Line Inventory Agreement – All Clear Pumping & Sewer 4. Re-adopt Conflict of Interest Ordinance Bill No. 24-07 Miscellaneous Business: Vote to go into closed session as authorized by RSMO Sec. 610.021 (1) (3). Representatives of the news media may obtain a copy of this notice by contacting: Lisa Lawless, City Clerk 125 S. Main St. Windsor, MO 65360 660-647-3512 Posted: Friday, June 14, 2024, at 3:00 p.m.

City of Windsor: Regular Board of Alderman Meeting Minutes (5-21-2024)

Regular Board Meeting May 21, 2024 The City of Windsor Board of Aldermen held its regular meeting on Tuesday, May…

Regular Board Meeting May 21, 2024 The City of Windsor Board of Aldermen held its regular meeting on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall meeting room at 125 S. Main. Mayor Rollins called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm with the following Aldermen present: John Morley, Danny Hampton, Steve Clubine, Mike Parris, Hanna Goosen, and Grace Danner. Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to approve the minutes, all in favor, motion carried. Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to approve the warrants, all in favor, motion carried. Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to approve the Collector's Report, all in favor, motion carried. Public Works Report – Public Works Director, Lance Tucker – Removed a large tree that fell across Century Street during the storm. The guys did a great job on the concrete for the baby pool area and are busy getting the pool ready for opening weekend. We received the portable generator that was purchased for the wastewater project. Since it is portable it will be helpful if we experience power outages at City Hall or any of the lift stations. Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to accept the Public Works report as presented by Lance Tucker, all in favor, motion carried. Administrator’s Report – City Administrator, Lisa Lawless – John Russell accepted the Building Inspector position. I would like to purchase a cell phone for him as he is expected to answer phone calls and would prefer not to use his own phone. Update on CDBG application, we have met the LMI criteria and have approval to move forward with the street project application. The occupant at 219 S Countyline has received another continuance on the eviction trial he requested. I will contact the property owner and request a meeting to discuss what his plan is to clean up the property once the eviction has occurred. The playground tiles for the baby pool area are on backorder until possibly July. I would like to order outdoor mats to be placed in the area as a temporary solution so that we can utilize the area until the tiles are installed. The code enforcement officer has resigned her position as of last week. We need approval to accept applications to hire a new code enforcement officer. Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to approve the purchase of a cell phone for the Building Inspector, all in favor, motion carried. Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to approve the purchase of outdoor mats for the baby pool area, all in favor, motion carried. Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to accept applications to hire for the Code Enforcement position, all in favor, motion carried. Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to accept the City Administrator’s Report, all in favor, motion carried. Fire Chief’s Report – Dennis Bowers, Assistant Fire Chief, requests $59,000 to pay for a cab and chassis out of the fire tax fund. Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to approve $59,000 from the fire tax fund for a cab and chassis for the Fire Department, all in favor, motion carried. Sheriff’s Report – Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to accept the Sheriff’s Report as presented by Major Hills, all in-favor, motion carried. Windsor Chamber of Commerce – The request was made for approval of the Farrington Park Summer Celebration on August 5, 2024, from 12:00 noon until 10:00 pm. The event would include a beer garden and live music. Alderman Danner made a motion, seconded, to approve the Windsor Chamber of Commerce Summer Celebration at Farrington Park on August 3, 2025, from 12:00 am until 12:00 pm, with a beer garden and live music, all in favor, motion carried. Agenda Requests: Boot Block Request: American Legion Auxiliary. The request was submitted for a boot blook for the American Legion Auxiliary Annual Poppy Drive to be held on May 25, 2024, from 8am to 12pm. Alderman Hampton made a motion, seconded, to approve boot blook request for the American Legion Auxiliary Annual Poppy Drive to be held on May 25, 2024, from 8am to 12pm, all in favor, motion carried. Tim McShane – Unhappy with the street repair patch Public Works did in front of his property at 109 Lakeview after a water leak. Mayor Rollins will assess and speak with Public Works if the street patch needs to be reworked. Dylan Page – Property owner at 610 Poplar Dr. has a home-based small engine repair business and would like to build an addition to his garage to store the equipment he is working on. The Building Inspector told him he couldn’t meet the setbacks required to approve the permit. The property has come to the attention of Code Enforcement as the home-based business has outgrown the property. The Aldermen suggested the owner look for a commercial location. Old Business: Building Issue - 501 N Main: John Russell will send the property owner a list of items to complete before the building passes inspection and a finalized permit issued. 2024 Committee Assignments submitted by the Mayor. Grace Danner will be added to the Planning and Zoning Committee. Alderman Hampton made a motion, seconded, to approve the 2024 Committee Assignments as submitted by Mayor Rollins with the addition of Grace Danner to the Planning and Zoning Committee, all in favor, motion carried. Discussion on American Rescue Plan Funds that need to be allocated by the end of 2024. Discussion on Culvert Issue on Phelps Street. Lance Tucker, Public Works Director, believes the culvert needs to be replaced quickly as he is concerned about it holding up to another heavy rain. He would like permission to request a quote from Do-Rite Construction as they are currently working in Windsor and could mobilize quickly. Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to approve moving forward with the immediate replacement of the culvert on Phelps Street using up to $100,000 in ARPA funds, all in favor, motion carried. Discuss the quotes we have received for equipment and use of ARPA funds to purchase. Wood Chipper – 2019 MorBark Eegger Beever $64,750 Alderman Goosen made a motion, seconded, to approve up to $65,000 for a commercial woodchipper, all in favor, motion carried. Alderman Morley, made a motion, seconded, to request bids for new HVAC System and New Roof at City Hall, all in favor, motion carried. Dash Cams - $90 - $130 each Alderman Danner made a motion, seconded, to approve the purchase of up to 5 dash cams, all in favor, motion carried. Truck Toolbox x 3 - $1470 Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to approve up to $1470 for the purchase of 3 truck toolboxes, all in favor, motion carried. Foley Compact Track Loader -$100,803.43 / Power Box Rake attachment - $19,250 Alderman Goosen made a motion, seconded, to approve up to $120,053.43 for the purchase of the Foley Compact Track Loader and Power Box Rake attachment, all in favor, motion carried. Foley Brush Cutter - $9,400 Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to approve up to $9,400 for the purchase of the Foley Brush Cutter attachment, all in favor, motion carried. Mud-Vac - $86,423 Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to approve up to $86,423 for the purchase of the Mud-Vac, all in favor, motion carried. Utility Trailer - $2500 Alderman Goosen made a motion, seconded, to approve up to $2,500 for the purchase of the Utility Trailer, all in favor, motion carried. New Business: Wastewater Improvements Part A Do-Rite Change Order # 1 presented for approval. Alderman Parris, made a motion, seconded, to approve Wastewater Improvements Part A Do-Rite Change Order # 1 adding $13,690 to the project amount, all in favor, motion carried. Wastewater Improvements Part B Visu-Sewer Change Order # 1 Alderman Clubine, made a motion, seconded, to approve Wastewater Improvements Part B Visu-Sewer Change Order # 1 adding $7,042.75 to the project amount, all in favor, motion carried. Wastewater Improvements Part A Do-Rite Pay App # 1 Alderman Parris, made a motion, seconded, to approve payment of Wastewater Improvements Part A Do-Rite Pay App # 1 in the amount of $253,268.50, all in favor, motion carried. Wastewater Improvements Part B Visu-Sewer Pay App # 1 Alderman Morley, made a motion, seconded, to approve payment of Wastewater Improvements Part B Visu-Sewer Pay App # 1 in the amount of $25,011.00, all in favor, motion carried. Bill 24-06 – Bill No. 24-06 Structures deemed unfit for human habitation Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to read by title only, Bill 24-06 (Structures deemed unfit for human habitation) all in favor, motion carried. Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to accept the first reading of Bill 24-06 (Structures deemed unfit for human habitation) all in favor, motion carried. Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to read by title only a second time, Bill 24-06 (Structures deemed unfit for human habitation) all in favor, motion carried. Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to accept the second reading of Bill 24-06 (Structures deemed unfit for human habitation) all in favor, motion carried, Ordinance No. 2024-06 passed. ATM Lease Agreement renewal. The renewal for the ATM Lease agreement was submitted for approval and signature. Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to approve the renewal for the ATM Lease Agreement, as submitted, all in favor, motion carried. Miscellaneous Business: Truck Decals- received quote from Gator Graphics to decal city trucks for $250 per truck. Alderman Goosen made a motion, seconded, to approve Gator Graphics to place truck decals on 4 city trucks, all in favor, motion carried. Discussion on ditch and drainage issues. Discussion on having the ability to waive or discount the dog adoption fee when the pound is full. Alderman Goosen made a motion, seconded, to approve a temporary discount or waiver of the dog adoption fee until the pound is down to 50% capacity, all in favor, motion carried. Discuss flexibility of the dog adoption fee when pound is full or during special events, send to ordinance committee for further discussion. Discuss vehicle purchase for Animal Control Employees. Alderman Goosen made a motion, seconded, to approve up to $38,000 to purchase a small truck for Animal Control Employees with ARPA funds, all in favor, motion carried. Discussion on planters at 4-way. Tabled for further information. Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to adjourn, all in favor, motion carried. Meeting Adjourned 9:30 p.m. __________________________________ __________________________________ Ricky Rollins, Mayor Lisa Lawless, City Clerk _____________________ Approved

City of Windsor: Regular Board of Alderman Meeting Agenda (5-21-2024)

NOTICE OF OPEN MEETING and VOTE TO CLOSE PART OF MEETING Notice is hereby given that the City of Windsor…

NOTICE OF OPEN MEETING and VOTE TO CLOSE PART OF MEETING Notice is hereby given that the City of Windsor Board of Aldermen will conduct a meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, in City Hall located at 125 S Main. The meeting room is located at the back of the building. The tentative agenda of this meeting includes: Approval of Minutes Presentation of Warrants for payment Reports 1. Collector’s Report 2. Public Works Director’s Report 3. City Admin Report 4. City Attorney’s Report 5. Fire Chief’s Report: Dennis Bowers, Assistant Chief 6. Sheriff’s Department Report 7. Committee Reports: 8. Planning and Zoning Commission: 9. Code Enforcement 10. Windsor Area Chamber of Commerce: August 3rd Event Approval 11. Septemberfest Committee: Agenda Requests: 1. Boot Block – American Legion Auxiliary 2. Tim McShane – Street Repair Issue 3. Dylan Page – Garage Extension for Home Based Business Old Business: 1. Building Issue – 501 N Main 2. Committee Assignments 3. Discuss ARPA Funds New Business: 1. Wastewater Improvements Part A Do-Rite Change Order # 1 2. Wastewater Improvements Part B Visu-Sewer Change Order # 1 3. Wastewater Improvements Part A Do-Rite Pay App # 1 4. Wastewater Improvements Part B Visu-Sewer Pay App # 1 5. Structures deemed unfit for human habitation - Bill No. 24-06 6. ATM Lease Agreement Renewal Miscellaneous Business: 1. Truck Decals 2. Ditch and Drainage Issue Vote to go into closed session as authorized by RSMO Sec. 610.021 (1) (3). Representatives of the news media may obtain a copy of this notice by contacting: Lisa Lawless, City Clerk 125 S. Main St. Windsor, MO 65360 660-647-3512 Posted: Friday, May 17, 2024, at 1:20 p.m.

City of Windsor: Regular Board of Aldermen Minutes (4-16-2024)

Regular Board Meeting April 16, 2024 The City of Windsor Board of Aldermen held its regular meeting on Tuesday, April…

Regular Board Meeting April 16, 2024 The City of Windsor Board of Aldermen held its regular meeting on Tuesday, April 16, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall meeting room at 125 S. Main. Mayor Rollins called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm with the following Aldermen present: John Morley, Danny Hampton, Steve Clubine, Mike Parris, Hanna Goosen, and Newell Whetstone. Alderman Hampton made a motion, seconded, to approve the minutes, all in favor, motion carried. Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to approve the warrants, all in favor, motion carried. Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to approve the Collector's Report, all in favor, motion carried. Public Works Report – Public Works Director, Lance Tucker – Visu-Sewer will be inspecting lines in the project area. We have started working on the pool bath house. Hydrant flushing will begin on April 22nd, weather permitting. Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to accept the Public Works report as presented by Lance Tucker, all in favor, motion carried. Administrator’s Report – City Administrator, Lisa Lawless – CDBG reopened the application process for a street project grant. We have approximately 30 surveys to finish and will be working on completing them this week. We received approval to move forward on the City Limit Expansion from both Pettis and Henry County. The city attorney made several amendments to the Lead Service Line Inventory contract. I have forwarded the amendments to All Clear Pumping and Sewer and am awaiting their response. Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to accept the City Administrator’s Report, all in favor, motion carried. Sheriff’s Report – Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to accept the Sheriff’s Report as presented by Major Hills, all in-favor, motion carried. Pool Committee recommendations: 1. Recommends the full board approve the use of $3000 from the local use fund to purchase the concrete and products for the baby pool renovation. 2. Recommends the full board approve Sasha Spangler and Kara Hensley as Pool Co-Managers each being paid an hourly rate of $13.00 per hour. 3. Recommends the full board approve the following budget adjustments: Move $137.04 from Insurance Expense to Supplies/Chemicals within the Pool Budget. Move $2,622.96 from Equipment Expense/Concessions to Supplies/Chemicals within the Pool Budget. Alderman Goosen made a motion, seconded, to approve $3000 local use tax funds for the purchase of concrete and products for the baby pool renovation, all in favor, motion carried. Alderman Goosen made a motion, seconded, to approve Sasha Spangler and Kara Hensley as Pool Co-Managers each being paid an hourly rate of $13.00 per hour, all in favor, motion carried. Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to approve the Pool Budget Adjustments submitted by the Pool Committee, all in favor, motion carried. Agenda Requests: James Hollis - not present Old Business: 2024 Residential Mowing Bids: Walton Lawn Care: small yard mowing $275/brush removal $275, medium yard mowing $300/brush removal $300, and large yard mowing $350/brush removal $350. TRC Lawncare, LLC: small yard mowing $325/brush removal $375, medium yard mowing $400/brush removal $475, and large yard mowing $450/brush removal $600. Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to approve Walton Lawn Care for residential mowing, all in favor, motion carried. Auditor Request for Proposals: Review DSWA Certified Public Accounts proposal. No other Auditor proposals were received. Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded to approve DWSA, all in favor, motion carried. New Business: Resolution 24-03 Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to read Election Resolution 24-03, all in favor, motion carried. Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to approve the reading of Election Resolution 24-03 regarding the April 2, 2024, election results, all in favor, motion carried. Swearing in Elected Officials Mayor Rollins swore in Alderman Ward 1 - John Morley, Alderman Ward 2 – Steve Clubine, Alderman Ward 3 – Grace Danner for 2-year terms April 2024 to April 2026. Mayor Pro-Tem Alderman Hampton made a motion, seconded, to approve the nomination of Steve Clubine as Mayor Pro-Tem, all in favor, motion carried. Bill 24-05 – Bill No. 24-05 Disorderly Conduct Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to read by title only, Bill 24-05 (Disorderly Conduct) all in favor, motion carried. Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to accept the first reading of Bill 24-05 (Disorderly Conduct) all in favor, motion carried. Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to read by title only a second time, Bill 24-05 (Disorderly Conduct) all in favor, motion carried. Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to accept the second reading of Bill 24-05 (Disorderly Conduct) all in favor, motion carried, Ordinance No. 2024-05 passed. Discuss possible ARPA funds expenditures: Air Conditioner, Dump Truck, 2 Pick-Ups, Mud Vac, Skid Steer with attachments – buckets, brush hog Tabled until next month for further discussion. Discussion on possible tent Ordinance. Sent to Ordinance Committee to review. Miscellaneous Business: Discussion on possible tent Ordinance. Sent to Ordinance Committee to review. Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to enter closed session as authorized by RSMO section 610.021 (1) (3) Roll call vote: Yes: John Morley, Steve Clubine, Mike Parris, Hannah Goosen, Grace Danner No: Danny Hampton 5 to 1, Motion Carried Discuss Personnel Issues Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to leave closed session, all in favor, motion carried. Mayor Rollins called open session to order at 8:39 pm. Roll call: John Morley, Danny Hampton, Steve Clubine, Mike Parris, and Hannah Goosen and Grace Danner Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to adjourn, all in favor, motion carried. Meeting Adjourned 8:40 p.m. __________________________________ __________________________________ Ricky Rollins, Mayor Lisa Lawless, City Clerk _____________________ Approved

City of Windsor: Regular Board of Aldermen Meeting Agenda (4-16-2024)

NOTICE OF OPEN MEETING and VOTE TO CLOSE PART OF MEETING Notice is hereby given that the City of Windsor…


Notice is hereby given that the City of Windsor Board of Aldermen will conduct a meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 16, 2024, in City Hall located at 125 S Main. The meeting room is located at the back of the building.

The tentative agenda of this meeting includes:

Approval of Minutes

Presentation of Warrants for payment


  1. Collector’s Report
  2. Public Works Director’s Report
  3. City Admin Report
  4. City Attorney’s Report
  5. Fire Chief’s Report
  6. Sheriff’s Department Report
  7. Committee Reports: Pool
  8. Planning and Zoning Commission:
  9. Code Enforcement
  10. Windsor Area Chamber of Commerce:
  11. September Fest Committee:

Agenda Requests:

  1. James Hollis - Portable Storage Container


Old Business:

  1. Discuss Residential Mowing
  2. Auditor Request for Proposals


New Business:

  1. Election Resolution 24-03
  2. Swearing in Elected Officials
  3. Mayor Pro-Tem
  4. Committee Assignments
  5. Disorderly Conduct - Bill No. 24-05
  6. Discuss ARPA Funds


Miscellaneous Business:   




Vote to go into closed session as authorized by RSMO Sec. 610.021 (1) (3).  Representatives of the news media may obtain a copy of this notice by contacting:


Lisa Lawless, City Clerk

125 S. Main St.

Windsor, MO 65360



Posted: Friday, April 12, 2024, at 1:45 p.m.

City of Windsor: Regular Board of Aldermen Meeting Minutes (3-19-2024)

Regular Board Meeting March 19, 2024 The City of Windsor Board of Aldermen held its regular meeting on Tuesday, March…

Regular Board Meeting

March 19, 2024

The City of Windsor Board of Aldermen held its regular meeting on Tuesday, March 19th, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall meeting room at 125 S. Main.

Mayor Rollins called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm with the following Aldermen present: John Morley, Danny Hampton, Steve Clubine, Mike Parris, Hanna Goosen, and Newell Whetstone.

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to approve the minutes, all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to approve the warrants, all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to approve the Collector's Report, all in favor, motion carried.

Public Works Report – Public Works Director, Lance Tucker - The issue we experienced while the tower was in pressure mode was due to a significant leak on the water line on 2 Highway. The line broke in the creek and left 2 houses without water.  A temporary line has been placed but they homes have minimal pressure.  Our options are to bore under the creek, which would cost up to $20,000 or to tap into the new waterline at the bottom of the hill by the pool and run 2-inch line to the properties affected for $4000. Tower inspection went well, and they repaired the aviation light while they were on site.

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to approve the $4000, to tap into the new waterline and run 2-inch line to the properties affected along 2 Highway, all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Hampton made a motion, seconded, to accept the Public Works report as presented by Lance Tucker, all in favor, motion carried.

Administrator’s Report – City Administrator, Lisa Lawless - MO-Dot is requiring a Phase 1 cultural survey be conducted before the sidewalk project construction begins.  MECO received two quotes to conduct the survey, one for $31,395 and another in the amount $5,176.43. MECO submitted for approval a supplemental agreement for the addition of the survey cost of $5176.43 to the Engineering Services Contract.  An application for a pro-rated liquor license for original package and Sunday sales has been submitted for approval from Windsor Petroleum located at 601 N Main Street.

Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to accept the Supplemental Agreement to the Sidewalk Project Engineering Service Contract , all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to approve the Pro-Rated Windsor Petroleum original package and Sunday sales liquor license, all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to accept the City Administrator’s Report, all in favor, motion carried.

Sheriff’s Report – Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to accept the Sheriff’s Report as presented by Major Hills, all in-favor, motion carried.  



Agenda Requests:

Brian Bilbruck - request to place a memorial bench on the sidewalk in front of City Hall in honor of his mother, Shirley Galloway.

Alderman Goosen made a motion, seconded, to approve the placement of a memorial bench in honor of Shirley Galloway on the sidewalk in front of City Hall, all in-favor, motion carried.   

Boot Block Request Windsor FFA – April 12th, 2024, 8 AM to 3pm; collect for fireworks donations.

Alderman Whetstone made a motion, seconded, to approve the Boot Block requests, all in favor, motion carried.

Carla Cobb – requested to be removed from the agenda.


Old Business:

Open Sealed Residential Mowing Bids – No bids were submitted.

Open Sealed Hauling Bids –

            Chuck Coffey $6.95/ton

            Tim Jacks $9/ton

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to approve the Chuck Coffey $6.95/ton Hauling Bid, all in favor, motion carried.

Open Sealed Nuisance Property Bids –

            Buckridge $66,000

            Empire Electric $45,800

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to accept the Empire Electric bid for $45,800 to clean the property at 219 N County Line, all in favor, motion carried.

The resident of 219 N Countyline was present and addressed the Board.  He states he has received notice to vacate the property and he will be off the property by 9 AM on April 25, 2024.

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to rescind the acceptance of the Empire Electric bid for $45,800 to clean the property at 219 N County Line, all in favor, motion carried.

The matter was tabled to discuss at a future meeting.

New Business:

Brightspeed (CenturyTel Broadband Services) Franchise Agreement - Bill No. 24-03

Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to read by title only, Bill 24-03 (CenturyTel Broadband Services) all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to accept the first reading of Bill 24-03 (CenturyTel Broadband Services) all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to read by title only a second time, Bill 24-03 (CenturyTel Broadband Services) all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to accept the second reading of Bill 24-03 (CenturyTel Broadband Services) all in favor, motion carried, Ordinance No. 2024-03 passed.

Brightspeed (Embarq) Franchise Agreement - Bill No. 24-04

Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to read by title only, Bill 24-04 (Embarq) all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to accept the first reading of Bill 24-04 (Embarq) all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to read by title only a second time, Bill 24-04 (Embarq) all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to accept the second reading of Bill 24-04 (Embarq) all in favor, motion carried, Ordinance No. 24-04 passed.


Miscellaneous Business:

Bobbi Wilson – Concerns on a sidewalk grate low spot and yard damage at the stormwater drainage project area.  Lance will meet with her on Thursday to discuss.

City Limit Expansion – Citizens in attendance voice concerns on what the city limit expansion means for property owners outside of city limits.  The citizens were assured that the expansion is to allow for future growth and that it will have no impact on their properties.

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to adjourn, all in favor, motion carried.

Meeting Adjourned 8:13 p.m.


__________________________________                __________________________________

Ricky Rollins, Mayor                                                 Lisa Lawless, City Clerk





City of Windsor: Regular Board of Alderman Meeting Agenda (3-19-2024)

NOTICE OF OPEN MEETING and VOTE TO CLOSE PART OF MEETING Notice is hereby given that the City of Windsor…


Notice is hereby given that the City of Windsor Board of Aldermen will conduct a meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 19, 2024, in City Hall located at 125 S Main. The meeting room is located at the back of the building.

The tentative agenda of this meeting includes:

Approval of Minutes

Presentation of Warrants for payment


  1. Collector’s Report
  2. Public Works Director’s Report
  3. City Admin Report
  4. City Attorney’s Report
  5. Fire Chief’s Report
  6. Sheriff’s Department Report
  7. Committee Reports:
  8. Planning and Zoning Commission:
  9. Code Enforcement
  10. Windsor Area Chamber of Commerce:
  11. September Fest Committee:

Agenda Requests:

  1. Brian Bilbruck – Downtown Memorial Bench
  2. Boot Block Request- Windsor FFA – April 12, 2024, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  3. Carla Cobb – Tree Concern


Old Business:

  1. Open Sealed Residential Mowing Bids
  2. Open Sealed Hauling Bids
  3. Open Sealed Nuisance Property Bids


New Business:

  1. Brightspeed (CenturyTel Broadband Services) Franchise Agreement - Bill No. 24-03
  2. Brightspeed (Embarq) Franchise Agreement – Bill No. 24-04


Miscellaneous Business:   



Vote to go into closed session as authorized by RSMO Sec. 610.021 (1) (2) (3) (12) (18).  Representatives of the news media may obtain a copy of this notice by contacting:


Lisa Lawless, City Clerk

125 S. Main St.

Windsor, MO 65360



Posted: Thursday, March 13, 2024, at 1:30 p.m.

City of Windsor: Regular Board of Aldermen Meeting Agenda (2-20-2024)

NOTICE OF OPEN MEETING and VOTE TO CLOSE PART OF MEETING Notice is hereby given that the City of Windsor…



Notice is hereby given that the City of Windsor Board of Aldermen will conduct a meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, in City Hall located at 125 S Main. The meeting room is located at the back of the building.


The tentative agenda of this meeting includes:

Approval of Minutes

Presentation of Warrants for payment



  1. Collector’s Report
  2. Public Works Director’s Report
  3. City Admin Report
  4. City Attorney’s Report
  5. Fire Chief’s Report
  6. Sheriff’s Department Report
  7. Committee Reports: Budget & Pool Committee Recommendations
  8. Planning and Zoning Commission:
  9. Code Enforcement
  10. Windsor Area Chamber of Commerce:
  11. Septemberfest Committee: Request Event Approval


Agenda Requests:

  1. Senior Center Fundraiser
  2. Shorty’s Hooks 20th Annual Kids Fishing Derby – May 18, 2024
  3. Al Cox – Yard Issue
  4. Donovan Thompson – 619 E Jackson Code Issue
  5. Sarah Gursick – Code Issue Concern
  6. Boot Block Request VFW POST 2610 – May 11, 2024, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.


Old Business:

  1. Solid Waste Collection Generally Bill No. 24-02
  2. Flinn & Son Excavating Old Main St. Pavement Invoice
  3. Ditch Issues


New Business:

  1. Lead Service Line Inventory Protest Provisions – Resolution 24-02
  2. Open Sealed Lean Service Line Inventory Bids
  3. Open Sealed Truck Bids


Miscellaneous Business:   


Vote to go into closed session as authorized by RSMO Sec. 610.021 (1) (2) (3) (12) (18).  Representatives of the news media may obtain a copy of this notice by contacting:

Lisa Lawless, City Clerk

125 S. Main St.

Windsor, MO 65360


Posted: Friday, February 9, 2024, at 3:10 p.m.

City of Windsor: Regular Board of Aldermen Meeting Minutes (01-16-2024)

The City of Windsor Board of Aldermen held its regular meeting on Tuesday, January 16, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. in…

The City of Windsor Board of Aldermen held its regular meeting on Tuesday, January 16, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall meeting room at 125 S. Main.

Mayor Rollins called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm with the following Aldermen present: John Morley, Danny Hampton, Steve Clubine, Mike Parris, and Newell Whetstone. Absent - Hanna Goosen.

Alderman Whetstone made a motion, seconded, to approve the minutes, all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to approve the warrants, all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to approve the Collector's Report, all in favor, motion carried.


Public Works Report – Public Works Director, Lance Tucker stated snow plowing went well. Due to the snow and cold temperature, we have only finished 1 meter route.  The other 4 routes will have to be estimated this month.  

Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to accept the Public Works report as presented by Lance Tucker, all in favor, motion carried.


Administrator’s Report – City Administrator, Lisa Lawless provided the 2nd & 3rd pay app for the Main Street Storm Drainage Project for approval.  I will be scheduling a Budget meeting for next week to discuss the cost of the Pollution Policy quoted by Mike Keith Insurance.  Steve with Gregg Smith Ford submitted the order for the 2 new trucks that were approved last month.  He will update me once he has a build date.  Lead Service Line Inventory Notice of Project was approved by DNR and will be published in the January 19th edition of the Windsor Review. DNR shared a list of contractors that I will be sending the Request for Proposal too and it will also be on the DNR website. 

Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to accept the City Administrator’s Report, all-in favor, motion carried.


Agenda Requests:

  1. K & D Quality Properties – Dave Walters, 506 E. Jefferson requests a halt to residential trash service from June 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024.

Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to grant the request made by Dave Walters to halt trash service at 506 E. Jefferson from June 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024, all-in favor, motion carried.

Send trash halt request issue to the Ordinance Committee to provide a procedure for future requests.


Old Business:

Sewer System Revenue Bonds Authorization - Bill No. 24-01

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to read by title only, Bill 24-01 (Sewer System Revenue Bonds Authorization), all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Whetstone made a motion, seconded, to accept the first reading of Bill 24-01 (Sewer System Revenue Bonds Authorization), all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to read by title only a second time, Bill 24-01 (Sewer System Revenue Bonds Authorization), all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Whetstone made a motion, seconded, to accept the second reading of Bill 24-01 (Sewer System Revenue Bonds Authorization), all in favor, motion carried, Ordinance No. 2024-01 passed.


Windsor Main Storm Water Improvement Pay App # 2 & Retainage Pay App # 3

Alderman Hampton made a motion, seconded, to approve the Windsor Main Street Storm Water Improvement Pay App 2 & Retainage Pay App # 3, all-in favor, motion carried.


New Business:

Adopt the County Hazard Mitigation Plan – Resolution 24-01

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to approve Resolution 24-01, all in favor, motion carried, Resolution 24-01 passed.


Miscellaneous Business:

Windsor Museum webpage link on City website.

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to approve the request for a link on the City website to the Windsor Museum webpage, all-in favor, motion carried.


Discussion on the East Benton parking blocks.  Public Works will remove the blocks and paint lines.  The issue will be revisited if the measures don’t improve the traffic and parking situation. 


Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to adjourn, all in favor, motion carried.

Meeting Adjourned 8:07 p.m.

City of Windsor: Regular Board of Aldermen Meeting Agenda (01-16-2024)

NOTICE OF OPEN MEETING and VOTE TO CLOSE PART OF MEETING Notice is hereby given that the City of Windsor…


Notice is hereby given that the City of Windsor Board of Aldermen will conduct a meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 16, 2024, in City Hall located at 125 S Main. The meeting room is located at the back of the building.

The tentative agenda of this meeting includes:

Approval of Minutes

Presentation of Warrants for payment


  1. Collector’s Report
  2. Public Works Director’s Report
  3. City Admin Report
  4. City Attorney’s Report
  5. Fire Chief’s Report
  6. Sheriff’s Department Report
  7. Committee Reports:
  8. Planning and Zoning Commission:
  9. Code Enforcement
  10. Windsor Area Chamber of Commerce:
  11. Septemberfest Committee:

Agenda Requests:

  1. K & D Quality Properties – Halt Residential Trash Charge temporarily


Old Business:

  1. Sewer System Revenue Bonds Authorization – Bill No. 24-01
  2. Windsor Main Storm Water Improvement Pay App # 2 & Retainage Pay App # 3


New Business:

  1. Adopt the County Hazard Mitigation Plan - Resolution 24-01


Miscellaneous Business:   



Vote to go into closed session as authorized by RSMO Sec. 610.021 (1) (2) (3) (12) (18).  Representatives of the news media may obtain a copy of this notice by contacting:


Lisa Lawless, City Clerk

125 S. Main St.

Windsor, MO 65360



Posted: Friday, January 12, 2024, at 11:40 a.m.

City of Windsor: Regular Board of Aldermen Meeting Minutes (12-19-2023)

The City of Windsor Board of Aldermen held its regular meeting on Tuesday, December 19, 2023, at 7:30 p.m. in…

The City of Windsor Board of Aldermen held its regular meeting on Tuesday, December 19, 2023, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall meeting room at 125 S. Main.

Mayor Rollins called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm with the following Aldermen present: Danny Hampton, Steve Clubine, Mike Parris, Hanna Goosen and Newell Whetstone. Absent - John Morley

Alderman Hampton made a motion, seconded, to approve the minutes, all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to approve the warrants, all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to approve the Collector's Report, all in favor, motion carried.


Public Works Report –Public Works Director, Lance Tucker stated the parts came in for the N. Commercial flush hydrant and is scheduled for installation tomorrow. The dodge truck is having serious issues and the cost to repair is more than the truck is worth. We are hopeful it will make it through the winter as it is one of the trucks, we use for snow plowing.  Another load of rock was brought in for the alley behind the post office.   All required water tests have been performed.  All five lift stations have been checked and monitored; no issues were found. Locates were marked for Spire, Evergy and homeowners. Also worked on work orders and meters were read for billing. Rental Dumpsters were set. Trees were trimmed where needed.

Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to accept the Public Works report as presented by Lance Tucker, all in favor, motion carried.


Administrator’s Report – City Administrator, Lisa Lawless provided the 13th Estimate of Funds regarding the Waterline Project for approval to submit USDA.  The contractor repaired yards over the last couple weeks.   I would like approval to immediately put out a bid request for Lead Service Line Inventory Services once DNR has approved the Notice to Proceed.  The Auditor has been in City Hall finishing up the 2021-2022 audit.  I expect to have it sometime in January.  I would like approval to request 3-year Auditor bids.  We have interviewed a candidate for a part-time assistant clerk and would like permission to offer her the position.

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to allow the City Administrator to Request Lead Service Line Inventory Bids once DNR approves the Notice to Proceed, all-in favor, motion carried.


Alderman Hampton made a motion, seconded, to allow the City Administrator to request bids for 3-year Auditor Services, all-in favor, motion carried.


Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to approve a part-time Assistant Clerk, all-in favor, motion carried.


Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to accept the City Administrator’s Report, all-in favor, motion carried.


Sheriff’s Report – The Sheriff’s report was submitted by Major Rob Hills regarding incidents and actions during the past month.

Alderman Whetstone made a motion, seconded, to approve the Sheriff’s Report, all in favor, motion carried.


Agenda Requests:

  1. Dale Brown – Question on plan for North Commercial Street. Brown was not in attendance and no action was taken.


      2. Steve & Jackie Logan – present to speak to issues that might involve N. Commercial Street.

Discuss Public Works preparing the unpaved portion of N. Commercial Street for a load of gravel to be spread.


  1. Nick Foreman – Progress report on the public wi-fi offered by Cerberus: Seven local businesses are advertising and over 1000 unique users have logged on. Cerberus would like to expand the Public Wi-Fi coverage to eventually include the Park, Schools & Ballfields.  Each location build will cost up to $8000 with the school build being even more costly.

Alderman Goosen made a motion, seconded, to approve ARPA funds in the amount of $9000 to Cerberus to expand Public Wi-Fi to the Ballfields and the Northside of Farrington Park, all in favor, motion carried.

Cerberus submitted a quote to provide internet and phone services which is a savings of $200 monthly from the current provider.

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to approve Cerberus to provide internet and phones services at the quoted monthly amount, all in favor, motion carried.


  1. Dave Walters – request to discontinue trash service from June through December each year.

Aldermen discuss and table the request until the January meeting.


Old Business:

Waterline Project Estimate of Funds Invoice # 13 and the Certificate of Substantial Completion

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to approve the Waterline Project Estimate of Funds Invoice # 13 and the Certificate of Substantial Completion, all in favor, motion carried.


Mike Keith Insurance – Pollution Coverage Proposal.  Tabled and sent to budget committee to review. 


New Business:

Open Sealed Truck Bids

Gregg Smith Ford – 2 – 2024 Ford F-150 4X2 Regular Cab XL $36,470

Jim Falk Motors – 2 – 2024 Chevrolet 1500 Silverado 4WD $50,765

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to purchase the 2 - 2024 Ford F-150 offered by Gregg Smith Ford, all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to request for bids for a 3/4 - 1 ton 4-WD Pickup to replace the dodge, all in favor, motion carried.


Miscellaneous Business:

Discussion on cell phone use while driving.


Discuss the plan for the Bright Speed Fiber Build.


Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to scrap the 1984 GMC Dump Truck, all in favor, motion carried.


Discuss the new alarm system in City Hall. 


Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to adjourn, all in favor, motion carried.

Meeting Adjourned 8:24 p.m.

City of Windsor: Regular Board of Aldermen Meeting Agenda (12-19-2023)

NOTICE OF OPEN MEETING and VOTE TO CLOSE PART OF MEETING Notice is hereby given that the City of Windsor…


Notice is hereby given that the City of Windsor Board of Aldermen will conduct a meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, December 19, 2023, in City Hall located at 125 S Main. The meeting room is located at the back of the building.

The tentative agenda of this meeting includes:

Approval of Minutes

Presentation of Warrants for payment



  1. Collector’s Report
  2. Public Works Director’s Report
  3. City Admin Report
  4. City Attorney’s Report
  5. Fire Chief’s Report
  6. Sheriff’s Department Report
  7. Committee Reports:
  8. Planning and Zoning Commission:
  9. Code Enforcement
  10. Windsor Area Chamber of Commerce:
  11. Septemberfest Committee:


Agenda Requests:

  1. Dale Brown – Commercial Street Issue
  2. Steve & Jackie Logan – Commercial Street Issue
  3. Nick Foreman, Cerberus – Update on downtown wi-fi
  4. K & D Quality Properties – Halt Residential Trash Charge temporarily


Old Business:

  1. Windsor Main Storm Water Improvement Final App
  2. Waterline Project Yard Repairs
  3. Waterline Project Estimate of Funds Invoice # 13
  4. Mike Keith Insurance – Pollution Policy


New Business:

  1. Open Sealed Truck Bids


Miscellaneous Business:   

  1. Cell Phone Use while driving
  2. Bright Speed 2024 Fiber Build
  3. Alarm Administrators


Vote to go into closed session as authorized by RSMO Sec. 610.021 (1) (2) (3) (12) (18).  Representatives of the news media may obtain a copy of this notice by contacting:


Lisa Lawless, City Clerk

125 S. Main St.

Windsor, MO 65360



Posted: Friday, December 15, 2023, at 3:00 p.m.

City of Windsor: Regular Board of Aldermen Meeting Minutes (11-21-2023)

The City of Windsor Board of Aldermen held its regular meeting on Tuesday, November 21, 2023, at 7:45 p.m. in…

The City of Windsor Board of Aldermen held its regular meeting on Tuesday, November 21, 2023, at 7:45 p.m. in the City Hall meeting room at 125 S. Main.

Mayor Rollins called the meeting to order at 7:45 pm with the following Aldermen present: John Morley, Danny Hampton, Steve Clubine, Mike Parris, and Hanna Goosen. Absent- Newell Whetstone.

Alderman Hampton made a motion, seconded, to approve the minutes, all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to approve the warrants, all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to approve the Collector's Report, all in favor, motion carried.


Public Works Report –Public Works Director, Lance Tucker stated Main Street Storm Water Project is complete and the project went great.  The final pay app will be submitted next month.  All required water tests have been performed.  All five lift stations have been checked and monitored; no issues were found. Locates were marked for Spire, Evergy and homeowners. Also worked on work orders and meters were read for billing. Rental Dumpsters were set. Trees were trimmed where needed. Waiting on a part to finish the installation of a flush hydrant at the end of North Commercial.

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to accept the Public Works report as presented by Lance Tucker, all in favor, motion carried.


Administrator’s Report – City Administrator, Lisa Lawless provided the 13th Estimate of Funds regarding the Waterline Project on the agenda for approval and submission to USDA for their approval and deposit in the Construction account to pay the expenditures.  There was a sewer issue at 111 Industrial Drive caused by Flynn & Sons during waterline project construction.  While Flynn was here to repair the sewer issue, Lance and I met with Casey Flynn to discuss the yard repairs that need to be completed before approval of the 13th Estimate of Funds.  He is scheduled to return next week to finish yard repairs.  Our grant application for a street project preliminary engineering report was not selected.  This grant application was separate from the street project CDBG grant we are applying for.    

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to accept the City Administrator’s Report, all-in favor, motion carried.


Sheriff’s Report – The Sheriff’s report was submitted by Major Rob Hills regarding incidents and actions during the past month.

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to approve the Sheriff’s Report, all in favor, motion carried.


Windsor Area Chamber of Commerce – Moonlight Madness Parade – November 25, 2023, 6pm-9pm

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to approve the Moonlight Madness Parade on November 25th from 6pm to 9pm, allowing for normal street closures for the parade and ham & turkey giveaway at the 4-way, all-in favor, motion carried.


Agenda Requests:

  1. Dale Brown – Question on plan for North Commercial Street. Brown was not in attendance and no action was taken.


Old Business:

Windsor Main Street Storm Drainage Project Pay App # 1

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to approve and pay the Windsor Main Street Storm Drainage Project Pay App # 1, all-in favor, motion carried.


Scott Vogler, MECO Engineering – Wastewater Project Budget Revisions – due to increase bond counsel and financial advisor fees the budget was revised by DNR.

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to approve the Revised Wastewater Project Budget as put forth by DNR, all-in favor, motion carried.


Waterline Project Estimate of Funds Invoice #13. Tabled until the cleanup process is completed.


New Business:

Mike Keith Annual Property Casualty Insurance Renewal

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to approve the Annual Property Casualty Insurance Renewal, all in favor, motion carried.


Mike Keith Insurance Health Care Plan Renewal

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to approve renewal of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City current package for continued Employee Health Insurance, all in favor, motion carried.


Mike Keith Insurance – submits a pollution coverage proposal.  Tabled to discuss further at the December meeting.


Mayor appoints Zach Bowers to serve a two-year term on the City of Windsor Board of Adjustments.

Alderman Hampton made a motion, seconded, to approve the appointment of Zach Bowers to serve a two-year term on the Board of Adjustments, all in favor, motion carried.


Miscellaneous Business:

Discussion on the issues with the 1984 GMC Dump truck and the need to purchase a replacement.

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to scrap the 1984 GMC Dump Truck, all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Goosen made a motion, seconded, to allow the purchase of the 2025 Freightliner M2106 Plus with 15’ dump bed and extended warranty in the amount of $147,620, all in favor, motion carried.


Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to adjourn, all in favor, motion carried.

Meeting Adjourned 9:04 p.m.

City of Windsor: Regular Board of Aldermen Meeting Agenda (11-21-2023)

NOTICE OF OPEN MEETING and VOTE TO CLOSE PART OF MEETING Notice is hereby given that the City of Windsor…


Notice is hereby given that the City of Windsor Board of Aldermen will conduct a meeting at 7:45 p.m. on Tuesday, November 21, 2023, in City Hall located at 125 S Main. The meeting room is located at the back of the building.

The tentative agenda of this meeting includes:

Approval of Minutes

Presentation of Warrants for payment



  1. Collector’s Report
  2. Public Works Director’s Report
  3. City Admin Report
  4. City Attorney’s Report
  5. Fire Chief’s Report
  6. Sheriff’s Department Report
  7. Committee Reports:
  8. Planning and Zoning Commission:
  9. Code Enforcement
  10. Windsor Area Chamber of Commerce: Moonlight Madness
  11. Septemberfest Committee:

Agenda Requests:

  1. Dale Brown – Question on plan for N Commercial Street


Old Business:

  1. Windsor Main Storm Water Improvement Pay App # 1
  2. Scott Vogler, MECO Engineer - Wastewater Project Budget Revision
  3. Waterline Project Yard Repairs
  4. Waterline Project Estimate of Funds Invoice # 13


New Business:

  1. Mike Keith Insurance Renewal
  2. Health Insurance Renewal
  3. Final Board of Adjustment Appointment


Miscellaneous Business:   


Vote to go into closed session as authorized by RSMO Sec. 610.021 (1) (2) (3) (12) (18).  Representatives of the news media may obtain a copy of this notice by contacting:


Lisa Lawless, City Clerk

125 S. Main St.

Windsor, MO 65360



Posted: Friday, November 17, 2023, at 3:00 p.m.

City of Windsor: Regular Board of Aldermen Meeting Minutes (10-17-2023)

The City of Windsor Board of Aldermen held its regular meeting on Tuesday, October 17, 2023, at 7:30 p.m. in…

The City of Windsor Board of Aldermen held its regular meeting on Tuesday, October 17, 2023, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall meeting room at 125 S. Main.

Mayor Rollins called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm with the following Aldermen present: John Morley, Danny Hampton, Steve Clubine, Mike Parris, Johanna Goosen and Newell Whetstone.

Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to approve the minutes, all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to approve the warrants, all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to approve the Collector's Report, all in favor, motion carried.


Public Works Report –Public Works Director, Lance Tucker stated during this month all required water tests have been performed.  All five lift stations have been checked and monitored; no issues were found. Locates were marked for Spire, Evergy and homeowners. Also worked on work orders and meters were read for billing. Rental Dumpsters were set. Mowing was done in several places around town and weeded ditches and around buildings, spraying where needed. Trees were trimmed where needed.  The Swimming Pool has been winterized.  Drainage Project is going well.  Working on the installation of a flush hydrant at the end of North Commercial.

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to accept the Public Works report as presented by Lance Tucker, all in favor, motion carried.


Administrator’s Report – City Administrator, Lisa Lawless provided the 13th Estimate of Funds regarding the Waterline Project on the agenda for approval and submission to USDA for their approval and deposit in the Construction account to pay the expenditures. We are reaching out to all the residents in the project area to ensure the contractor has a complete list of the issues that need to be addressed. MECO and DNR are reviewing the wastewater project cost and will be submitting different funding options to the city since the bids came in higher than anticipated.   Regarding the CDBG Street Project, a big thank you to Alderman Clubine for all the help conducting the LMI Surveys.  We still have more to do, we have compiled a contact list and will also be scheduling an evening door to door to get them finished.  There was a miscommunication on moving CD funds to the general fund.  The Board will need to approve the transfer of CD funds to the general fund or to leave the funds in CD’s.

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to move CD funds to the general account categorizing the funds as emergency funds,

Roll call vote: Yes – John Morley, Danny Hampton, Steve Clubine, Mike Parris, and Newell Whetstone.

                      Abstain - Hanna Goosen

                      5 to 1, Motion Passed.

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to accept the City Administrator’s Report, all-in favor, motion carried.

Discussion on Windsor Highschool group helping with the LMI survey contact list.

Alderman Whetstone made a motion, seconded, to allow the Windsor Highschool group to help with the LMI survey contact list, all-in favor, motion carried.


Sheriff’s Report – The Sheriff’s report was submitted by Major Rob Hills regarding incidents and action during the past month.

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to approve the Sheriff’s Report, all in favor, motion carried.


Planning and Zoning Committee – Recommendation to the Board of Aldermen to allow the request made by Steve and Jackie Logan, at their 300 North Commercial Street property, to build a 384 square feet overnight rental dwelling by allowing a variance to the 864 square feet minimum dwelling size.

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to receive the committee report from Planning and Zoning, all-in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to approve the request made by Steve and Jackie Logan, at their 300 North Commercial Street property, to build a 384 square feet overnight rental dwelling by allowing a variance to the 864 square feet minimum dwelling size, all-in favor, motion carried.


Windsor Area Chamber of Commerce – 4th Annual Hayride October 27th & 28th

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to approve the 4th Annual Hayride October 27th & 28th, all-in favor, motion carried.


Septemberfest Committee - Mackenzie Howard - 2024 Wine Stroll in the Park

Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to approve the June 1, 2024, Wine Stroll in the Park allowing open container on the North Side of the park from Noon to 11pm,  

Roll call vote: Yes – John Morley, Steve Clubine, Mike Parris, Hannah Goosen and Newell Whetstone.

                      Abstain - Danny Hampton

                      5 to 1, Motion Passed.


Agenda Requests:

  1. American Legion Auxiliary – requesting a boot block for their Wreaths Across America drive on October 28, 2023, from 8:00 am to Noon.

Alderman Hampton made a motion, seconded, to approve the Boot Block Request for the American Legion Auxiliary on October 28, 2023, from 8:00 am to Noon, all-in favor, motion carried.


  1. Dale Brown – Request Board accept a petition to vacate N. Commercial Street without a legal description. If the Board accepts his petition, he will move forward obtaining a legal description.  No motion, request dies.

Discussion about North Commercial Street.  The Logans withdrew the request for the permit and will meet with Lance Tucker, Public Works Director, to discuss the location for a driveway coming off N. Commercial Street.


  1. Brad Wright, Henry County Emergency Manager - Discuss entering into an Agreement that would provide Emergency Management Services for the City of Windsor.

Alderman Whetstone made a motion, seconded, to approve the Agreement between Henry County and the City of Windsor to Emergency Management Services to the City of Windsor, all-in favor, motion carried.


Old Business:

Scott Vogler, MECO Engineering – Wastewater Project Options. Scott Vogler, Engineer, submitted options approved by DNR for Wastewater Construction & Financing.

Alderman Goosen made a motion, seconded, to approve moving forward with Construction Option A & Financing Option 1, as provided on the document submitted by Scott Vogler, MECO Engineer, all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Whetstone made a motion, seconded, to allow Mayor Ricky Rollins to execute the Recommendation for Award document for the Wastewater Collection & Treatment Project Plan, all in favor, motion carried.


Discussion on the waterline yard cleanup report.  We are checking with homeowners to inquire if they are happy with the cleanup process or if they have issues that need to be addressed.  Tabled until the report has been completed.

Waterline Project Estimate of Funds Invoice #13. The Waterline Project Estimate of Funds Invoice #13 was presented for approval.  Still have complaints from the citizens on the cleanup process.

Alderman Goosen made a motion, seconded, to take no action on the Estimate of Funds Invoice # 13 until yard issues are resolved, all-in favor, motion carried.


New Business:

Liquor License – Pickled Possum requests a liquor license for sale of intoxicating liquor containing alcohol in excess of 5% by weight at retail in the original package.

Alderman Whetstone made a motion, seconded, to approve the request by the Pickled Possum for a liquor license for the sale of intoxicating liquor containing alcohol in excess of 5% by weight at retail in the original package, all in favor, motion carried.


General Election Ordinance Bill No. 23-11

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to read by title only, Bill 23-11 (General Election Ordinance), all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to accept the first reading of Bill 23-11 (General Election Ordinance), all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to read by title only a second time, Bill 23-11 (General Election Ordinance), all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to accept the second reading of Bill 23-11 (General Election Ordinance), all in favor, motion carried, Ordinance No. 2023-11 passed.

Nuisance Hearing Procedures Bill 23-12

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to read by title only, Bill 23-12 with noted correction (Nuisance Hearing Procedures), all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to accept the first reading of Bill 23-12 with noted correction (Nuisance Hearing Procedures), all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to read by title only a second time, Bill 23-12 with noted correction (Nuisance Hearing Procedures), all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to accept the second reading of Bill 23-12 with noted correction (Nuisance Hearing Procedures), all in favor, motion carried, Ordinance No. 2023-12 passed.


Miscellaneous Business:

Discussion on partnering with the school to apply for a FEMA grant to build a community center.  Tabled for further information.


Discussion on the purchase of the portable generation from Empire Electric in the amount of $151,225.

Alderman Parris made a motion, seconded, to allow the purchase of the portable generation from Empire Electric in the amount of $151,225, all in favor, motion carried.


Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to adjourn, all in favor, motion carried.

Meeting Adjourned 9:13 p.m.

City of Windsor: Regular Board of Aldermen Meeting Agenda (10-17-2023)

NOTICE OF OPEN MEETING and VOTE TO CLOSE PART OF MEETING Notice is hereby given that the City of Windsor…


Notice is hereby given that the City of Windsor Board of Aldermen will conduct a meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 17, 2023, in City Hall located at 125 S Main. The meeting room is located at the back of the building.

The tentative agenda of this meeting includes:

Approval of Minutes

Presentation of Warrants for payment


  1. Collector’s Report
  2. Public Works Director’s Report
  3. City Admin Report
  4. City Attorney’s Report
  5. Fire Chief’s Report
  6. Sheriff’s Department Report
  7. Committee Reports:
  8. Planning and Zoning Commission: Logan Variance Recommendation
  9. Code Enforcement
  10. Windsor Area Chamber of Commerce: 4th Annual Hayride October 27th & 28th
  11. Septemberfest Committee: Mackenzie Howard - 2024 Wine Stroll in the Park


Agenda Requests:

  1. Boot Block Request – American Legion Auxiliary 10/28/2023 8am to 12pm
  2. Brad Wright, Emergency Management Services
  3. Dale Brown – Discuss Street Vacation


Old Business:

  1. Scott Vogler, MECO Engineer - Wastewater Project Update
  2. Waterline Project Yard Repairs
  3. Waterline Project Estimate of Funds Invoice # 13


New Business:

  1. Liquor License – Pickled Possum
  2. General Election Ordinance – Bill No. 23-11
  3. Nuisance Hearing Procedures – Bill No. 23-12


Miscellaneous Business:   


Vote to go into closed session as authorized by RSMO Sec. 610.021 (1) (2) (3) (12) (18).  Representatives of the news media may obtain a copy of this notice by contacting:


Lisa Lawless, City Clerk

125 S. Main St.

Windsor, MO 65360



Posted: Thursday, October 12, 2023, at 3:00 p.m.

City of Windsor: Regular Board of Aldermen Meeting Agenda (09-19-2023)

NOTICE OF OPEN MEETING and VOTE TO CLOSE PART OF MEETING Notice is hereby given that the City of Windsor…


Notice is hereby given that the City of Windsor Board of Aldermen will conduct a meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 19, 2023, in City Hall located at 125 S Main. The meeting room is located at the back of the building.

The tentative agenda of this meeting includes:

Approval of Minutes

Presentation of Warrants for payment


  1. Collector’s Report
  2. Public Works Director’s Report
  3. City Admin Report
  4. City Attorney’s Report
  5. Fire Chief’s Report
  6. Sheriff’s Department Report
  7. Committee Reports:
  8. Planning and Zoning Commission
  9. Code Enforcement
  10. Windsor Area Chamber of Commerce
  11. Septemberfest Committee
  12. Community Betterment

Agenda Requests:

  1. WHS Student Council – Homecoming Parade 10/6/23 at 2:15pm
  2. Boot Block Request – Knights of Columbus Annual Tootsie Roll Drive 10/14/2023 9am to 12pm
  3. Rhonda Collins – Code Issue


Old Business:

  1. Scott Vogler, MECO Engineering – Wastewater Project Bid Tabulations
  2. Waterline Project Estimate of Funds Invoice # 13
  3. Waterline Project Monthly Inspection Report
  4. Amendment # 1 to E-500 Engineering Agreement (Exhibit K) – Bill No. 23-08
  5. Oak Street Vacation – Bill No. 23-09
  6. Procedure for Street or Public Easement Vacation – Bill No. 23-10


New Business:

  1. Budget Approval
  2. Liquor License – Sidetrack Cafe


Miscellaneous Business:   


Vote to go into closed session as authorized by RSMO Sec. 610.021 (1) (2) (3) (12) (18).  Representatives of the news media may obtain a copy of this notice by contacting:


Lisa Lawless, City Clerk

125 S. Main St.

Windsor, MO 65360



Posted: Friday, September 15, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.

City of Windsor: Regular Board of Aldermen Meeting Minutes (09-19-2023)

The City of Windsor Board of Aldermen held its regular meeting on Tuesday, September 19, 2023, at 7:30 p.m. in…

The City of Windsor Board of Aldermen held its regular meeting on Tuesday, September 19, 2023, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall meeting room at 125 S. Main.

Mayor Rollins called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm with the following Aldermen present: John Morley, Steve Clubine, Johanna Goosen and Newell Whetstone. Danny Hampton and Mike Parris were absent.

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to approve the minutes, all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to approve the warrants, all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to approve the Collector's Report, all in favor, motion carried.

Public Works Report –Public Works Director, Lance Tucker stated during this month all required water tests have been performed and the city produced a range between 134,000 and 341,000 gallons of water.  All five lift stations have been checked and monitored; no issues were found. Locates were marked for Spire, Evergy and homeowners. Also worked on work orders and meters were read for billing. Rental Dumpsters were set. Mowing was done in several places around town and also weeded ditches and around buildings, spraying where needed. Trees were trimmed where needed, including a tree that was cut down at the intersection of Smith and Hillcrest. Meters were moved on Kentucky, Montgomery, Center Streets, and Circle Drive. Repairs were made at Colt, Tebo, Indiana, East Florence, North Main and the City Shed. Code Notices were posted. Sewer mains were jetted on Birch, Colt, Century, Washington, Bowen, Pettis, Winchell and Hill Drive. The Swimming Pool cover was installed and the pool was cleaned, backwashed, vacuumed and the water level lowered for the winter. Barricades were set for Septemberfest. Brush hogging was done at the SW Lagoon. Weed killer was put down at the SE Lagoon and rock hauled in. We assisted the Henry County 911 at the water tower.

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to accept the Public Works report as presented by Lance Tucker, all in favor, motion carried.

Administrator’s Report – City Administrator, Lisa Lawless provided the 12th Estimate of Funds regarding the Waterline Project on the agenda for approval and submission to USDA for their approval and deposit in the Construction account to pay the expenditures. We are still sending yard complaints to the contractor and engineer of the waterline project. Bill No 23-08 Amendment #1 was presented for approval. The Contractor, Engineer, Project Inspector, Mayor Rollins, and the Public Works Director drove through the project area to view the clean-up process and check on complaints we have received in City Hall.  The contractor is supposed to be back in September to continue the cleanup. The bid tabulations were done for the upcoming Wastewater Project.  The bids came in higher than anticipated.  There are hopes of extra grant and loan funding through DNR. A second invoice was received from MECO Engineering, regarding the 2023 Sidewalk Project in the amount of $12,106.06; federal grant reimbursement is $9.684.85 and the city portion is $2,421.21.  There are 3-4 properties that are ready to go to a public hearing possibly scheduling that on October 9, 2023. Regarding the CDBG Street Project, we will be conducting an LMI Survey.  We must have 80% participation to be eligible for grant funds.

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to accept the City Administrator’s Report, all-in favor, motion carried.

Sheriff’s Report – The Sheriff’s report was submitted by Major Rob Hills regarding incidents and action during the past month.

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to approve the Sheriff’s Report, all in favor, motion carried.

Agenda Requests:

  1. Windsor High School Student Council. The request to seek approval for the Homecoming Parade proposed route as submitted.

Alderman Whetstone made a motion, seconded, to approve the request submitted by the Windsor High School Student Council with the proposed parade route to be held on October 6, 2023, beginning at 2:15 pm., all in favor, motion carried.


  1. James Flathers – Garage Sale limits- would like to see the ordinance amended to allow for residents to have more than 4 garage sales per year. No action taken.


  1. Knights of Columbus – Annual Tootsie Roll Drive. The Knights of Columbus are requesting a boot block for their annual tootsie roll drive on October 14, 2023, from 9:00 am to Noon.

Alderman Whetstone made a motion, seconded, to approve the Knights of Columbus boot block request for their Annual Tootsie Roll Drive on October 14, 2023, from 9:00 am to Noon,  all in favor, motion carried.


  1. Rhonda Collins – emotional support rooster. Rhonda Collins is requesting a variance regarding her rooster which she states is for emotional support. Discussion regarding same and the Board of Aldermen gave her 30 days to submit a letter from her doctor indicating that the rooster is for her emotional support.  This matter has been tabled until next month and no action was taken.  


Old Business:

  1. Scott Vogler, MECO Engineering – Wastewater Project Bid Tabulations. Scott Vogler, Engineer, reported that for Part A, the low bidder for the project is Do-Rite Construction and Excavating, LLC; and Visu-Sewer of Missouri, LLC was the low bidder for Part B. These bids will be submitted to DNR and we expect for DNR to come back to us with some options.


  1. Waterline Project Estimate of Funds Invoice #13. The Waterline Project Estimate of Funds Invoice #13 was presented for approval. Due to the complaints from the citizens, the Board decided to take no action until next month.  Flinn & Son, Excavating, Inc. will be here next week to work on cleanup issues.  This invoice is tabled until next month.


  1. Waterline Project Monthly Inspection Report.

Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to approve Waterline Project Monthly Inspection Report, as presented, all in favor, motion carried.


  1. Waterline Project Certificate of Substantial Completion. The Certificate of Substantial Completion submitted by Anderson Engineering, Inc.

Alderman Goosen made a motion, seconded, to table the Certificate of Substantial Completion until next month to review, all in favor, motion carried.


  1. Bill 23-08 – Amendment # 1 to E-500 Engineering Agreement (Exhibit K). An Amendment to the Owner/Engineering Agreement between Anderson Engineering, Inc., and the City of Windsor related to Water System Improvements.

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to read by title only, Bill 23-08 (Amendment # 1 to E-500 Engineering Agreement  - Exhibit K), all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to accept the first reading of Bill 23-08 (Amendment # 1 to E-500 Engineering Agreement  - Exhibit K), all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to read by title only a second time, Bill 23-08 (Amendment # 1 to E-500 Engineering Agreement  - Exhibit K), all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to accept the second reading of Bill 23-08 (Amendment # 1 to E-500 Engineering Agreement  - Exhibit K), all in favor, motion carried, Ordinance No. 2023-08 passed.


  1. Bill 23-09 – An Ordinance for the City of Windsor, Missouri declaring the vacation of the right of way adjacent to Lots 20, 21 and 39 through 54, also a portion of Lot 55, in the James E. Taylor Addition.

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to read by title only, Bill 23-09 (Ordinance for the City of Windsor declaring vacation of right of way for a portion of Oak Street, in the James E. Taylor Addition), all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to accept the first reading of Bill 23-09 (Ordinance for the City of Windsor, Missouri declaring vacation of right of way for a portion of Oak Street, in the James E. Taylor Addition),  all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to read by title only a second time, Bill 23-09 (Ordinance for the City of Windsor, Missouri declaring vacation of right of way for a portion of Oak Street, in the James E. Taylor Addition), all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to accept the second reading of Bill 23-09 (Ordinance for the City of Windsor, Missouri declaring vacation of right of way for a portion of Oak Street, in the James E. Taylor Addition), all in favor, motion carried, Ordinance No. 2023-09 passed.


  1. Bill 23-10 – An Ordinance for the City of Windsor, Missouri, providing for the procedure for street or public easement vacation.

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to read by title only, Bill 23-10 (Ordinance for the City of Windsor, Missouri providing for the procedure for street or public easement vacation), all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to accept the first reading of Bill 23-10 (Ordinance for the City of Windsor, Missouri providing for the procedure for street or public easement vacation),  all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to read by title only a second time, Bill 23-10 (Ordinance for the City of Windsor, Missouri providing for the procedure for street or public easement vacation), all in favor, motion carried.

Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to accept the second reading of Bill 23-10 (Ordinance for the City of Windsor, Missouri providing for the procedure for street or public easement vacation),  all in favor, motion carried, Ordinance No. 2023-10 passed.


New Business:

  1. Budget Approval for the Fiscal Year 2023-2024. The City of Windsor, Missouri Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 was presented to the Board for approval.

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to approve the City of Windsor, Missouri Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024, as presented, all in favor, motion carried.


  1. Liquor License – Sidetrack Café. Sidetrack Café requests a liquor license for Original Package in excess of 5% by weight $75.


Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to approve the request of Sidetrack Café regarding a liquor license for Original Package in excess of 5% by weight $75.00, all in favor, motion carried.


Miscellaneous Business:

  1. Motor Vehicle Fund - Equipment. There is amount which remains in the Motor Vehicle Fund regarding Fiscal Year 22-23, for Equipment in the amount of $3,500.00. A request has been made to purchase a snow blower.

Alderman Clubine made a motion, seconded, to allow the purchase of a snow blower with the remaining balance in the Motor Vehicle Fund for Fiscal Year 22-23, not to exceed the amount of $3,500.00, all in favor, motion carried.


  1. Request for bids – 2023 Sidewalk Project. We are in a position to request bids for the upcoming 2023 Sidewalk Project.

Alderman Morley made a motion, seconded, to request bids for a 2023 Residential Sidewalk Project, all in favor, motion carried.


  1. Sidewalk at 803 Jackson Street. A request was made to remove the sidewalk at 803 Jackson Street where the tree roots have displaced and broken the sidewalk. Discussion to check with the property owner and gain approval.

Alderman Goosen made a motion, seconded, to remove the sidewalk at 803 Jackson Street where the tree roots have displaced and broken the sidewalk, pending proper owner approval, all in favor, motion carried.


  1. Certificate of Deposit Rates. After checking with surrounding banks, the best rates currently for our Certificate of Deposits are at the rate of 4.00% for the period of Twenty-Two (22) months with two (2) increases.   A motion was made to cash the CD and deposit into a checking account to earn the current rate of 4.90%. The motion was not seconded and therefore was tabled until next month with no action taken.


Alderman Whetstone made a motion, seconded, to adjourn, all in favor, motion carried.

Meeting Adjourned 9:02 p.m.

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Northern gateway to Truman lake and where the Rock Island Spur connects to the Katy Trail

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125 S. Main Street
Windsor, MO 65360

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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